Here I am, in Serbia, and I seem to recall laughing uproariously with Rachelle about the idea of travelling to Serbia (or was that Bulgaria? Either way, it's odd to be here).
In any case, I was happy when the bus arrived, even though it meant I was leaving Croatia, which is never a happy occasion. But I'll be back.
The bus ride to Belgrade was a quick three hours, but the walk to the Three Black Catz hostel was the longest hour of my life. I apparently took the scenic route, and I still have no idea how I got there in the end, because I can’t read the Cyrillic street signs or the map! I finally had to ask the Tourist Info where the hostel was, and turns out it’s right off the main square, which I didn’t even know I was standing in when I was in it!
I’ve decided to stay in Belgrade for a few days and take day trips from here, because I can’t be bothered to lug all of my stuff around the country.
After I dropped off my bags, I headed back into the streets. There’s some pretty sweet shopping here (Zara and Morgan de Toi almost made my mouth water!), and I had to take out money before getting amongst it. I took out 10,000 dinars (I’m not exactly sure what the dinar is worth, so hopefully that’s a normal amount to withdraw in a day!). I spent a blissful hour shopping; I decided it was well and truly time to buy some new shoes so everyone will stop looking at my sandalled feet in horror.
I headed back to the hostel, hung around there for a few minutes and left again. I decided tonight will be my last night there. The guy who runs it, Mladen, is quite nice, but it has that unfriendly European-vibe that I hate and I felt a little uncomfortable there by myself when everyone around me was speaking in different languages. I’m at a restaurant now, about to eat dinner, and after this I'll head right home to bed, and find a new place to stay tomorrow.
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