We arrived in Sarajevo at 11:00pm. We watched the temperature gauge drop as the bus drove along, so we were prepared for chilliness (thank God I bought my new coat!). At the bus station, we squabbled for a few minutes with a taxi driver who we were sure was trying to rip us off, finally deciding to find our own way to the hostel.
We first got on a tram going the opposite way, but quickly figured out our mistake and turned back. I was disappointed to arrive in town after dark because I knew it must look spectacular and I wanted to see it.
We found the hostel reception in the centre of town and a nice man brought us by car across the river and way uphill to our room. It was a dorm room in little house with a separate lounge and kitchen. Unfortunately, the place is FREEZING, but other than that, it's peaceful and quiet.
We were pretty tired, but hungry, so we had some green tea, a plate of plain rice and a smoke, then went to sleep.
This morning, I woke up and left the hostel before anyone else woke up, and I'm now waiting to go on a tour.
Haven't really seen anything yet, but I'm well impressed with Sarajevo thus far.
It's seven hours later, and I'm officially in love with Sarajevo.
It's basically like travelling to Morocco without all the shit parts of Morocco, plus all the great parts of the Balkans.
Absolutely incredible.
And even though I'll probably have frostbite somewhere by the time I leave, I couldn't be happier.
First, we drove to the tunnel museum, up in the mountains, that was used to smuggle supplies in and people out of Sarajevo during the war. We got to walk through the little stretch of tunnel that is still there, really narrow and deep and dark. You can't even imagine people going up there with their whole life on their back, afraid to be snipered at any minute.
After that, we drove to the 1984 Olympic Village in the mountains (it was seriously, really cold up there ... my feet have yet to recover), where there was a nice lookout over the town. Part of the old luge still sweeps over the road, where ten years later the snipers set up shop to shoot down on the town. There are still signs posted warning of landmines.
I'm really impressed with the way that Sarajevo embraces and discusses its war history, unlike Osijek or Vukovar. The Sarajevo roses (haven't seen any yet), this war tour, plaques on the National Library that the Serbs burned down, a plaque on the bridge where Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. These are all good things to have, I think, because they ensure that people won't forget what happened here.
Mustafa dropped us at the hostel reception and I had a wander through the old town, called Bascarsija. Lots of people and smells, a Mosque in the middle, windy alleyways and narrow streets. Just what I wanted today, to walk around in a peaceful area, away from exhaust fumes!
Life could not be more perfect than it is right now. (Unless it were just five degrees warmer)
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