I'll save the story of our arrival in Sofia for my next entry... it's a doozy!
Last night I had the worst sleep ever. I couldn’t swallow because my glands were so swollen, I had heartburn, and I couldn’t stop coughing. I knew I was keeping Mike awake, so I tried to do anything I could to stop: I ended up sitting upright, propped up with a pillow against the wall, sucking on a candy cane in hopes that the mint would soothe my throat. I must’ve been quite a sight!
We woke up at 6:45 this morning (brutal) and caught a bus to Nis, Serbia, planning to head to Sofia from there.
It ended up being a bus ride from Hell that never ended: 7 hours passed, then 8 hours, 9, 10 ... 11 HOURS LATER we arrived in Nis, and we weren’t too happy about it.
We decided that catching a midnight bus to Macedonia wasn’t an option, and catching a 4:30am but to Sofia was just silly, so we had to spend the night in Nis, wherever the Hell that is.
We got a fairly nice room by the bus station, then headed into “town”. There is some sort of castle here, plus a very fast-flowing river, and a fair or something happening on the main street; frankly, we don't know a thing about this city.
We ate dinner at McDonald’s. Correction: I ate there. Mike is anti-McD's and actually had to go into the bathroom to give himself a talking-to in the mirror, Vincent Vega-style, because he was so tempted to have a McMeal.
We then went to a pub for a few beers (I had a Lav Pivo and Mike had a Jelen Pivo: they mean Lion and Deer), bought some apple pie on the way home, now we're watching “One Tree Hill” in bed. We have a few hours to kill here tomorrow, so hopefully we'll find out what the deal is with Nis.
I never thought I'd live to see this!
And because the snow is so magical, we decided to spend ONE more day in Sarajevo. Mike, however, would be happy to spend the rest of his two-week holiday here because he loves it so much (and so do I). I'm happy I met him; I wouldn't want to be here without someone else to enjoy it with.
So, after the little fairy-dusting of snow last night, I awoke to a serious blizzard. A foot of snow on the ground, at least, and there I was with only thin little shoes that are too small and are hurting my feet already. The pain, plus the snow, made wearing them all day an impossibility, so I was determined to find new footwear.
Miraculously, I found a pair of boots in a thrift shop; they are 2 different shades of pink, fur-lined, and one size too big. But for 9KM (5 euros) ... they'll do! In fact, they've given me so much comfort today that I don't think I've ever been happier with a purchase in my life! They're the ugliest things I've ever owned and I love them dearly.
Dripping with snow, I decided to relax and celebrate my purchase with another gorgeous caffe latte at Cafe Alfonso. After a good hour, I met Mike, and we went for lunch at The Steak House. ). We sat for a couple of hours, enjoying our food and coffee, surrounded by funny old South African ladies on tour. Then we returned to Cafe Alfonso and drank green tea while watching Fashion Television and feeling cozy in our seats.
Mike went home after an hour or so, and I went to mass at the Cathedral next door. It wasn't as spectacular as the one in Osijek, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I then went to a restaurant called To Be Or Not To Be: the Not To Be was crossed out during the siege to make it seem more positive, and they kept it that way. There was great jazz playing and cool posters on the walls and I enjoyed my Sarajevsko Pivo until Mike arrived.
We trekked to the other side of the river to find a cinema, but the only movie playing was in Bosnian, so instead we bought some delicious goodies from a bakery and walked over to Hacienda. We sat upstairs and there was great disco playing, and we had a beer and a glass of wine and a great chat.
I'm happy to have found, in both him and Patrick, people I get along with extraordinarily well.
It really blows my mind to think that it’s only been one week since I left Pula! Seems like forever ago!
So, last night turned out to be pretty funny. Mike and I walked around for two hours trying to find the Bohemian Quarter (Skadarska Street). After two hours of walking in circles and never finding it, we finally settled on pizza slices down the street from the hostel.
After dinner, we had a couple of drinks at a bar, got delicious ice cream, then went back to the hostel and watched “Legally Blonde”. I know we should be taking advantage of Belgrade’s supposedly excellent nightlife, but I haven’t seen any places that have really caught my attention (they're hiding somewhere in this Cyrillic maze).
This morning I left the hostel at 9:00, had a delicious piece of cake and a sub-par coffee in a hotel, then caught the bus to Novi Sad. It’s supposed to be the nicest city in Serbia; so far, it’s just as exhaust-ridden as Belgrade, and just as much of a Cyrillic Labyrinth.
I got lost in some random suburb, then finally found my way back to the main square, which is quite pretty and full of colourful spires and painted cows. I have so little sense of direction that I couldn’t even determine where the Danube was; I finally found it, and remembered that I’m not a huge fan of that river.
I crossed over to the fortress and spent a few hours wandering around there.
The EXIT music festival is held there and I can imagine it would be a pretty cool venue.
It’s really hot outside and I searched for somewhere shady to sit and read but couldn't find anywhere out of the sun, so I went to a nice, traditional restaurant on the Danube, which reminded me of the one I ate at with David in Prague. I ordered a Greek salad and was a little afraid the waiter was going to bring me a fish paprika, but the salad arrived and it was exactly what I had in mind.
When I got back to the hostel this evening, Mike had left a note on my bed that he'd be back later in the evening for drinks. Luckily, two guys from Sarajevo had arrived and I chatted with them while I waited.
They got me really excited to visit; one of them talked about how so many cultures live together in the one city, three religions side by side. He described Balkan people as “primitive and passionate: when we love, we love, and when we hate, we hate.”
When Mike returned from his busy day, he informed me that he’d done reconnaissance work and found the Bohemian Quarter! We walked there together and had a drink at an outdoor patio, then went for one more drink at a bar called “Only Fools and Horses”. There were a bunch of locals singing along to the live music there and I really enjoyed the place and the night. It's nice to have some company for a change!
I'm back in the hostel now, where my room tonight is an oasis of quiet, unlike Mike’s room, where someone is snoring already.
We are going to Sarajevo tomorrow and, frankly, I’m happy to be getting the Hell out of Serbia. I had a good time here, but the exhaust fumes are going to kill me and I’m ready for a bit more beauty than it has to offer.
I've always wanted to see the Taj Mahal; now I don’t know if it’s necessary. This thing totally blew my mind! It’s white with green domes and gold crosses, very simple but astoundingly huge. It’s under construction so it’s basically empty inside, with dark, cold stone. But there’s music playing and people praying and bowing and lighting candles amid the scaffolding. Wow!
So, as usual, I had nothing to worry about last night and everything worked itself out.
I had a delicious meal at the restaurant, then I went back to the hostel, planning to just go to bed. When I arrived, the girl who works there, Jasna) and her beautiful, black-haired Macedonian friend, were sitting in the lounge watching television, so I sat down with them.
They told me about a popular Macedonian singer named Tose Proeski who was killed in a car crash yesterday. They were almost in tears talking about him, apparently both of them grew up with his music. It was touching to listen to them.
An Aussie guy named Mike came into the hostel at around 10pm, and we started to chat. Turns out we’re travelling to exactly the same places for the next few weeks, so we’re going to stick together for the rest of our journey.
Isn’t it amazing how things work out? I'd been lonely and planning to leave that hostel, and within an hour, I found a travel partner for the rest of my trip.
We stayed up until 2am talking: the latest I’ve stayed up in ages!. I got up this morning at 9:30, had a brutal shower, (and actually had a brutal sleep as well, but the hostel is starting to grow on me). My first stop of the day was St. Mark’s Cathedral (which HAD impressed me before I saw this Church of my life).
The street signs and the map are impossible. I’m amazed that I've made it anywhere other than just walking around in circles!
I decided to have a look at Tito’s Mausoleum, but if I’d known the ordeal it would become I never would’ve bothered. I had to cross to the other side of a major highway (a mission in itself!), and the whole area stunk of exhaust fumes and big-city-grossness.
I had no idea where I was, which street I was on, or where that bastard Tito was buried; at one point, I walked past a horrible shantytown and felt really nervous in a Sherman McCoy type of way.
I nearly gave up and went back to the centre, but when I spotted a couple of security guards, I asked them the way and they helped me. I arrived at 15:10 - it closed at 15:00. Awesome.
It took me forever to walk back into town; luckily, I could see the astounding St. Sava from miles away, so I enjoyed it from many different vantage points. I’m still completely turned around here, even though I’ve been walking around town nonstop for two days! I usually hate to pull out the map and mark myself with a big T for tourist, but in Belgrade I never put it away, not that it even helps!
I’m having dinner with Mike tonight: a real, live human being!
Read this article on RoadJunky at http://www.roadjunky.com/article/1783/rediscovery-travelling-to-vukovar
There was no ignoring the fact that something bad happened in Vukovar.
There was an abandoned tank parked on a front lawn, leading the way into town.
As I walked through the centre of town, I didn’t see a single other person. There were no mothers, no elderly ladies, no open shops or grocery stores. Just me, looking through the holes in buildings with pop cans and old newspapers strewn around the rubble inside. A sign for the Diksi Bar on an empty building. A blue square address plaque on the only wall left of a house that was no longer there.
I followed signs leading to the Hotel Dunac. It’s located on the bank of a narrow section of Danube. The grass around it was dead.
On one side of the hotel was the brown, garbage-strewn Vuka river that emptied into the Danube. A man and a little boy were fishing along the bank. On the other side of the hotel was a giant building, completely gutted, that must have been majestic at one time. I thought it might have been a government building; I was later told it once was a cinema.
The concierge was a big man who didn’t smile; he took my money, gave me a big key and told me to leave it at the front desk if I went out. My room was at the end of a hallway with no lights but big, bare windows at one end. I quickly dropped off my things and left.
I walked around town for an hour before finding the water tower. It was cone-shaped, the bottom half grey concrete and the top a band of burnt red. A Croatian flag flew on top of it.
I walked around it, careful not to step on broken shards of beer bottles. The tower was 50 metres high and too enormous to fully take in. Patches of blue sky shone through the giant bomb holes all over it that had been left as a reminder of what happened here.
It is the symbol of a city that was symbolic for the rest of the country.
Because Vukovar was heavily populated by Serbs at the beginning of the breakup of Yugoslavia, this small city in easternmost Slavonia, an hour away from Serbia, became a target in 1991 as Serbia tried to claim as much territory as it could before Croatia declared independence. Since Croatia had no substantial army yet, some 2000 Croatian residents defended their city, and Croatians around the country were glued to their televisions; if Vukovar could keep back the Serbian invasion, there was hope for the rest of them too.
The Croatian citizens were able to defend Vukovar for 87 days through the siege which caused destruction on a level that is often compared to Stalingrad. One thousand people were killed during the fighting; 5000 were taken prisoner.
Vukovar remained under Serbian control until the war ended and eastern Slavonia was placed under UN control for two years. It was re-integrated into Croatia in 1998.
I couldn’t help but draw comparisons between Vukovar and Sarajevo.
I knew very little about Sarajevo’s history when I first arrived, but within a couple of days I learned a good deal of its history. It has a museum with photos, newspaper articles and artifacts detailing, sometimes excruciatingly, what happened there. There are Sarajevo roses on the ground: mortar holes filled in with red paint so they can’t be missed.
There is a guided tour to the tunnel that lead Sarajevans to safety when they were under siege. The tour guide, Mustafa, showed us the spot in the mountains where part of the Olympic luge sweeps down through the trees, which at one time was the point from which soldiers fired down into the city.
There are commemorative plaques everywhere, like the one on the former National Library that says: ‘On this place Serbian criminals in the night of 25th, 26th August 1992 set on fire National and University’s Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over 2 millions of books, periodicals and documents vanished in the flame. Do not forget, remember and warn.'
Unlike Sarajevo, there are no signs on Vukovar’s buildings, no red markers calling attention to its wounds. The city remains divided, the ethnic communities split evenly into separate churches, separate schools, separate coffee shops.
The justice process has been long and drawn-out, with new charges still being filed almost two decades after the siege. The infrastructure has not been restored and unemployment is estimated at 40 per cent.
The symbol of the city looms over the town with gaping holes that have not been filled in.
At 5 o’clock, I was ready for a drink. I didn’t want to offend anyone by going into the wrong bar but I couldn’t tell which was Croat and which was Serb. I went into the one nearest to my hotel.
I wanted to talk to someone, but how do you ask questions about war? I sat alone at a table on a covered patio, the heat trapped inside by thick plastic walls.
And then a question was asked of me.
“Excuse me, are you a foreigner?”
I’d noticed him when I first arrived. He’d been sitting with friends, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. There was a motorbike helmet on the chair across from him.
“Yes, how can you tell?” I asked.
“I can just tell,” he said. “What are you doing in Vukovar?”
“I’m traveling around Croatia and Vukovar is an important city, so I came to see it.”
“Why is Vukovar important?” he asked.
“Well, because of what happened here during the war.”
He lit a cigarette.
“Well, I was here during the war and I can tell you about it. I want the truth about Vukovar to be heard.”
I’d been so afraid to bring up the past and here he was, offering me it to me with a fresh beer.
I shouldn’t have been surprised; you don’t need to be in a conversation for very long before a Croatian will almost always bring up the war. It’s still such a part of their lives.
As I gathered my things and moved to his table, he said, “I should also mention that I’m Serbian.”
His name is Nenad, which means ‘to become suddenly’. His father was from Serbia, his mother, now widowed, is Croatian. He has lived in Vukovar all his life, except for five years when he moved to Britain. That was in 1999, two years after Vukovar was returned to Croatia and he no longer felt welcome.
What I couldn’t get past were his eyes. When he spoke about the war, they stayed fixed on me. He told me about living in his basement in Vukovar for a year and about having to see a post-traumatic stress counsellor in London. When he smiled his tight smile his eyes didn’t change.
He told me about dead people lying on the streets, decapitations, about seeing people every day who did bad things during the war.
“So they killed a few people, who am I to judge?” he said, his eyes just staring.
There wasn’t much laughter in our conversation, even when he talked about the house he lived in just outside town with his mother and eleven stray cats and dogs, hens, plums and apples, or about going for a swim in the Danube when he felt stressed.
I would normally feel callous for asking the questions that I asked Nenad, but he seemed to want to talk about it. He spoke in a hushed tone, like we were conspiring.
“I’m not like anyone else here,” he said. “People here are mad but they don’t want to do anything about it. It is like they are dead. I’m different from everyone else, but I can act. I like acting.”
He said he felt disconnected to Vukovar and hates the people in it for not doing anything to change their situation. But that’s exactly the impression I got from him. A man who wanted to leave but doesn’t know how or where to go.
A couple of hours and a pack of cigarettes later, the smoke inside the plastic walls was suffocating. Nenad offered to take me on his motorbike to the hospital museum.
There was nothing I wanted more than to be told the story from someone who knew it first-hand.
When we reached his motorbike, he held out his hand to me.
But I passed up his offer.
There was something in his eyes that I didn’t trust.
I’d been angry at the silence in Vukovar; I wanted the story spelled out as vividly as Sarajevo roses. But when it came right down to it, when offered a chance to find out what happened, I wasn’t ready.
That night in my small hotel room I couldn’t sleep. I woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night and went to the window. The sunny day had turned into a bitterly cold night with a shrill wind.
The town square outside my window was still empty.