Monday, October 22, 2007

A Sarajevo snowfall...

I never thought I'd live to see this!

And because the snow is so magical, we decided to spend ONE more day in Sarajevo. Mike, however, would be happy to spend the rest of his two-week holiday here because he loves it so much (and so do I). I'm happy I met him; I wouldn't want to be here without someone else to enjoy it with.

So, after the little fairy-dusting of snow last night, I awoke to a serious blizzard. A foot of snow on the ground, at least, and there I was with only thin little shoes that are too small and are hurting my feet already. The pain, plus the snow, made wearing them all day an impossibility, so I was determined to find new footwear.

Miraculously, I found a pair of boots in a thrift shop; they are 2 different shades of pink, fur-lined, and one size too big. But for 9KM (5 euros) ... they'll do! In fact, they've given me so much comfort today that I don't think I've ever been happier with a purchase in my life! They're the ugliest things I've ever owned and I love them dearly.

Dripping with snow, I decided to relax and celebrate my purchase with another gorgeous caffe latte at Cafe Alfonso. After a good hour, I met Mike, and we went for lunch at The Steak House. ). We sat for a couple of hours, enjoying our food and coffee, surrounded by funny old South African ladies on tour. Then we returned to Cafe Alfonso and drank green tea while watching Fashion Television and feeling cozy in our seats.

Mike went home after an hour or so, and I went to mass at the Cathedral next door. It wasn't as spectacular as the one in Osijek, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I then went to a restaurant called To Be Or Not To Be: the Not To Be was crossed out during the siege to make it seem more positive, and they kept it that way. There was great jazz playing and cool posters on the walls and I enjoyed my Sarajevsko Pivo until Mike arrived.

We trekked to the other side of the river to find a cinema, but the only movie playing was in Bosnian, so instead we bought some delicious goodies from a bakery and walked over to Hacienda. We sat upstairs and there was great disco playing, and we had a beer and a glass of wine and a great chat.

I'm happy to have found, in both him and Patrick, people I get along with extraordinarily well.


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